Judisches Museum der Stadt Wien - Reviews from across the web
Museum Judenplatz Vienna The focal point of the Museum Judenplatz Vienna, which is run by the Jewish Museum of the City of Vienna are three exhibition rooms on medieval Jewry in Vienna and the excavations of a medieval synagogue. Here, one can learn about the religious, cultural and social life of Viennese Jews in the Middl... wien.info
Jewish Museum Permanent collection on jewish history and religion as well as temporary exhibitions on various subjects, such as jewish literature, architecture, photo... wien.info
Austria - Academic: Jewish Museum Vienna The Jewish Museum Vienna presents a permanent exhibition focusing on Jewish history and culture in Austria. In addition, the Museum shows temporary exhibitions on Jewish literature, architecture,... portal.ac.at
Jewish Museum Vienna presents “Best of All Women " | Art Knowledge News While women are not obliged to study Talmud and Torah, in the course of history there have time and again been women who were considered erudite and knowledgeable in religious scriptures: Imma Shalom and Beruria in the Talmudic period, Rashi's daughters in the Middle Ages, and Brune of Mainz, who do... artknowledgenews.com
Kontakt. The First Jewish Museum in the World, Vienna 1895 The Jewish Museum Vienna was founded in 1895 and was the first of its kind in the world. The collection focused on the history of Eastern European Judaism, since a large number of Vienna’s Jews had their roots in that part of the world. It brought together and exhibited everyday and ritual obj... kontakt.erstebankgroup.net
Gallery - Vienna Jewish Museum - Photos The Vienna Jewish Museum's storeroom displays the museum's entire collection of Jewish ritual and cultural objects. These objects were ripped from their proper location by force. Many ev... fcit.usf.edu
Jewish Museum Vienna One Museum - Two Houses :: The Saatchi Gallery The psychiatrist, psychoanalysis and sexologist Wilhelm Reich was born on 24 March 1897 in Galicia and died 50 years ago on 7 November 1957. He was the first son of an estate owner in Dobrzanica, at the time in the Austrian part of Galicia. Jarinetz, where he spent most of his youth, is in Bukovina,... saatchi-gallery.co.uk
Virtual Vienna Net - Jewish Museum Vienna: The history of Dorotheergasse 11 In 1829, Anton Behsel’s register of buildings listed Baron Bernhard von Eskeles as the owner of the house ‘Dorotheergasse 1110’. On the basis of this single inaccurate reference, the house is designated by later writers as the Baron’s residence. According to Wilhelm Kisch, who wrote a book about the... virtualvienna.net
TRAVEL ADVISORY; Four Exhibitions Open Vienna Jewish Museum - New York Times The Jewish Museum of the City of Vienna is inaugurating its new permanent quarters with four exhibitions touching on Jewish life in the city. One, on view to May 15, is called This Is Where Teitelbaum Lived . . . The exhibit notes that there were 16 Teitelbaums listed in the 1938 city phone book and... query.nytimes.com