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Yojoa Travel Guide

Lake Yojoa (or Lago de Yojoa) is the largest lake in Honduras, located some 60 miles south of San Pedro Sula and some 15 miles southwest of Santa Cruz de Yojoa. The lake’s name means “eye of water”. It lies on a crater formed by volcanoes and is at an altitude of 2,300 feet. The Cerro Azul Meambar National Park is adjacent to the east side of Lake Yojoa while the Santa Bárbara National Park and its steep mountains border the lake’s west.

Lake Yojoa today is a popular weekend recreation spot for local families as well as a favorite fishing and bird-watching destination for many tourists from abroad. Because the lake is situated between two large Honduran cities, San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, it is often used as a rest area for Hondurans and foreigners alike traveling between the two points.

Lake Yojoa was once inhabited by Lenca, Maya, and other peoples. There are many ruins and remains from these past inhabitants. The most significant ruin is Los Naranjos on the northwest shores of the lake. Today, there are still communities around Lake Yajoa. These settlers earn their living by growing fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as fishing from the lake. Unfortunately, the lake currently faces modern threats to its preservation such as the deforestation, cattle ranching, and aggressive commercial development that is taking place in and around Lake Yojoa.

With its waters unspoiled, Lake Yajoa offers fresh water fishing for recreational fishers. But it is not just the waters that teem with life, the surrounding area of Lake Yojoa is rich with biodiversity, home to some 800 different plant species and 400 unique species of birds including the black-bellied whistling ducks, the red-legged honeycreepers, the keel-billed toucans, and the blue-crowned motmots. The varieties of birds in the forested areas of Lake Yajoa make it a great bird-watching spot. Many of the rarer birds are typically spotted on Isla del Venado, which you can get to by boat or by taking the popular catamarans.

Many restaurants are also located along the banks of Lake Yajoa, including a number of fried fish stands. You’ll find a number of country houses, cabins, and lakeside hotels if you plan to stay and enjoy the lake for more than a day.

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